Have you ever felt trapped?
Maybe not physically trapped. But, we’ve probably all had times in our lives when we felt stuck in our circumstances.
Spiritually, when we were separated from Christ, we were also trapped. We were trapped in our sin, and stuck in a cycle of shame and fear.
But we have freedom in Christ! That heavy burden of guilt and condemnation has been lifted from us, and our sins are covered by God’s grace.
What is Freedom in Christ?
The freedom we find in Christ stands in stark contrast with the bondage of sin we experience apart from Jesus.
Freedom in Christ means your value is not determined by your achievements or failures, but by the unwavering love of Jesus. You are no longer defined by the world’s standards, but by the truth that you are a cherished child of God.
As we look at freedom in Christ Bible verses, we see a common theme. Our freedom is purely the result of Jesus’s work on the cross on our behalf. It is not something that we earn.
The lost enjoy forever the horrible freedom they have demanded. - C.S. Lewis
In this Christian quote about freedom, Lewis describes the tendency for people to try an seize their own personal freedom. But, freedom in Christ means we surrender our own will and become dependent on Christ, trusting Him with our whole lives.
Bible Verses About Freedom in Christ
The Bible is filled with this truth. Here are 8 Bible verses about freedom in Christ.
This verse about freedom doesn’t just mean intellectual “knowing.” It means you know in your heart, the very core of your being. When you know the truth of Who God is and what He has done for you, that truth will set you free from sin and death.
New to the whole idea of freedom in Christ? If you’re wanting to receive the love of Jesus into your heart for the first time, check out our guide to welcome Jesus into your life!
Sin usually promises us freedom and joy, but it deceives us. Instead of giving us freedom, it controls us until we are trapped in our sin and disbelief. However, true freedom comes only from Christ and what He did for us on the cross. He sets us free from our sin and promises eternal life with Him.
Instead of reaping shame, guilt, and death because of our sin, we get a completely different result when we surrender our lives to Jesus. Instead, we benefit by receiving holiness and eternal life! Our lives are to be so dependent on God, that we grow in holiness and obedience to Him.
To truly meditate on what scripture says about life and freedom in Christ, take time to read all of Romans 8. As we struggle with our human condition, as sinful people in a messy world, these opening verses provide comfort: “there is now no condemnation.” None.
If you are in Christ Jesus, He will not condemn you. His sacrifice on the cross covers our sins. His death is offered as payment for our sins. He paid our debt.
There is freedom! Yes, freedom from sin. But also, freedom from guilt, shame, fear, and hopelessness. Instead, the Holy Spirit offers us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. What a glorious, miraculous exchange!
Christ set us free. It won’t always be easy, but we need to stand firm in that truth. Remind yourself of the freedom you’ve been given, and how you’ve been rescued from sin and death, so you don’t fall back into the trappings of sin.
Our freedom in Christ isn’t an opportunity to indulge in the things that got us trapped in the first place. It’s also not a chance to focus on ourselves. Ultimately, isn’t about us. It’s about Jesus and what He did.
Rather, keep the focus on Jesus and on others. Serve and share with His love.
We can never use our freedom to excuse or protect evil. We cannot justify sinful acts. Rather, we must stand firm against evil in this world, pursue justice, and advocate for others like Jesus did for us.
How Freedom in Christ Helps Overcoming Challenges
When you have freedom in Christ, scripture reveals a new life of peace and wisdom, even during challenges. You can rest in the assurance found in God’s Word.
When you experience freedom in Christ, daily life changes. Even when challenges arise, you can have confidence that the Lord is faithful and will work all things out for good.
As you walk in your freedom in Christ, hardship and burdens can be lifted off your shoulders and unto Christ.
Teaching Kids About Freedom in Christ
Freedom in Jesus doesn't start or stop at a certain age, it’s available to all who choose Jesus. In Christ, there is freedom and wholeness that surpasses understanding. As we experience the freedom we’ve found in Christ, we’re able to teach it to our friends, family, and even our kids!
Teaching kids about freedom in Jesus is as simple as 1,2,3.
1. Share Stories About Freedom in Jesus: There’s few things more powerful than a story. Sharing stories about freedom in Jesus is the easiest way to teach children about what Jesus did for us. You could use the story of a bird in a cage, saying something like: “Sin is like a cage, we are like a bird in the cage, and Jesus came to open the cage and set us free from the power of sin!”
You can also share stories from the Bible that show in Christ, there is freedom. Good places to start are the story of God freeing the Israelites in the book of Exodus and the story of the two men on the cross next to Jesus.
Learn more about how to show the Gospel to your kids in our article: How to Explain Faith to a Child | No Junior Holy Spirit!
2. Share Bible verses about freedom from sin: An easy way to share about freedom in Jesus with your kids is to read the Bible with them. You can go through this post and find your favorite Bible verse about freedom in Christ and share it with them! You can even turn the scripture about freedom in Christ into a song to help them memorize the truth of the Word.
3. Set the Example: We all know the phrase, “Monkey see, Monkey do.” As we grow deeper in following God and experiencing freedom in Jesus, there’s faith to be bold and live by example. Kids are always watching and intraking new information. Show them that in Christ, there is freedom! Show them that because of Christ, you’re quick to forgive and slow to anger. Show them that because of freedom in Jesus, you say “no” to some things and “yes” to others!
What are God's words about freedom?
The Bible is full of God’s words about freedom. As we’ve seen in these Bible Verses about freedom in Christ, there’s so many ways that God reminds us that we are free. God reminds us that in Christ, there is freedom in John 8:36 “Who the Son sets free is free indeed!” God came to earth to set us free from the law of sin and death and He showcases His love for us all throughout the Scriptures. As you go into the rest of your week, here is a prayer to pray about being free in Jesus:
“God, thank you that you are the Father of freedom. Thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to die on the cross for me. Thank you that He took my sins, my shame, and my fears and gave me the gift of eternal life! Thank you for hope that I don’t have to strive for. Help me to share your love with those that I meet this week and help me to show them that there is freedom in Christ! In Jesus Name, Amen.”
These Bible verses about freedom in Christ truly transform the way we live. Living our lives dependent on Him gives us hope, peace, and freedom.