What is prayer?
To put it simply, prayer is a conversation between you and God. Scripture about prayer is found all throughout the Holy Bible and there’s even Bible passages about praying! We’re going to share some Bible verses for praying, scriptures on prayer, and practical wisdom on how to grow your prayer life.
Why Should We Pray? | Passages on Prayer
Why prayer? Let's put it in perspective: God is the Creator of the ever-expanding universe. Astronomers estimate there are 100 billion stars just in the Milky Way galaxy, and there are billions of galaxies! The power and glory of God is impossible to fully comprehend.
But guess what? That Creator -- our God -- wants to spend time with you. He wants to listen to you. He wants to speak with you. You! The same God Who created the heavens and the earth wants to hear what's on your mind and in your heart. And, He wants to give you wisdom, direction, and peace.
This miraculous gift is why we pray.
Bible Verses About Prayers
God is receiving prayers from humans all day, every day, since the fall in the garden of Eden. He is listening, planning, acting, and moving on our behalf each and every time we pray! Join us as we discover Bible scriptures about praying and Bible verses about prayer!
Bible Verses on When to Pray
This scripture about prayer is one of our favorite passages on prayer because it reminds us that God is with us all the time, no matter what our circumstance! No matter what situation you're going through, you can talk to God about it! Remember, He is big enough to handle your questions, fears, grief, doubts, and anger. Bring everything to God, just like this scripture about prayer says to, and He will give you peace that is beyond your understanding!
Have you ever wondered what God's will is for your life? This scripture about prayer reminds us about God’s will for us! Passages about prayer are often encouraging us to rejoice in God, pray often, and give thanks. This is God's will for us.
All throughout the scriptures, we see Bible passages about praying when we’re in trouble. God is often mentioned as a refuge and strength! As we pray, He protects us. Whether you are happy or in trouble, keep your heart and mind set on Jesus in prayer. He wants to be part of your entire life - the good and the bad.
Related Post: 8 Ways to Pray Throughout the Day
Bible Verses That Say God Hears You When You Pray
This scripture on prayer is a beautiful promise for believers. When we pray to God, He will listen! The God Who formed the earth and sky will listen to you. He made sure to write passages on prayer into the Bible to remind you that He’s ready and willing to hear your thoughts, fears, and praise.
When we're afraid, ashamed, or depressed, we often like to hide. But this Bible verse about prayer tells us that we can approach God with confidence, knowing that He hears us. He wants us to bring Him our burdens through prayer. He wants to give us His peace and comfort as we pray to Him!
Bible Verses That Say God Answers You When You Pray
We have already read Bible scriptures about praying, we've heard scriptures on prayer that remind us that God hears us when we pray, but there’s more! But there's more! Not only does God hear our prayers, but He also answers our prayers. God hears us and God speaks to us through prayer. He will give us wisdom that can only come from Him.
We face temptations every day, so it's critical that we do everything we can to remain strong when temptations arise. This Bible verse about prayer says we must pray that we don't enter into temptation. God shows us through several scriptures on prayer that a life of prayer helps to keep our spirit strong.
This Bible verse about prayer reminds us that when we pray, we gain access to God's throne of grace. We get genuine time with Him! When we are in His presence, we receive mercy and grace. Spending time with Him in prayer will help us with whatever we need.
This prayer Bible verse is another great promise to us! When we confess our sins to God, He forgives us and makes us clean. God is full of mercy and is quick to forgive. We are so blessed that we can start fresh every day, covered in grace because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. This is the greatest answer to our prayers: forgiveness and salvation.
Bible Verses on How to Pray
Jesus taught this several scriptures on prayer, but His most famous Bible passage about prayer was given to us when His disciples asked Him how to pray. This scripture is the foundation for The Lord's Prayer. These passages on prayer include praising God, petitioning God (asking for our needs), repenting of our sins, praying for others, and praying for protection. If you are looking for a checklist on how to pray, this is a good place to start.
Finally, this scripture about prayer reminds us that our prayers are powerful! Even when it may seem like nothing is happening based on our limited understanding, we are reminded that our prayers are powerful and effective.
How to Hear God's Reply to Prayer
These Bible passages about praying show us that God always hears and answers our prayers. God’s reply to prayer may not be what we want, but He does answer us.
We can hear God’s reply to prayer through spending time with Him and His Word. Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you and give you wisdom.
As we meditate on these scriptures on prayer, one truth is clear: God wants a relationship with us and He is eager to spend time with you in prayer. This is an opportunity to connect with the Creator of the universe and the One Who made you. There is nothing better than spending time in His presence!
Related Post: 10 Bible Verses Every New Christian Should Know