Shoes walking for Yegor

Healed, Saved, Delivered | Stories of Prayer & Healing

November 25, 2019
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Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Yegor Hambaryan, is a joyful, free, and wild follower of Jesus who loves to share his stories of miraculous healing and how he’s even received languages supernaturally with any and everyone who will listen! You will be filled with faith and joy as you read about our interview.

Born Disabled, Miraculously Healed!

“It’s not about me, it’s about how God used me! It’s a childlike faith that defaults to give praise to God!”

Born as a disabled child without kneecaps in Armenia, life was intense right from the get-go for Yegor. At age four, bound to his wheelchair, Yegor met Jesus in his room as a bright light with a man in between the brilliant light overshadowed his room. During this face-to-face encounter with the Lord at four, Yegor received direction from Jesus on which city and which doctor to go to for his treatment and healing. Jesus also directed Yegor to tell his parents all that he had heard from God! Through surgery, God did a profound miracle in Yegor’s life and healed him. Yegor was able to walk at the age 6 through the help of doctors and the Holy Spirit.

However, due to the lack of physical touch and emotional connection Yegor experienced while being disabled, his path forward in healing was an uphill battle, especially for Yegor’s emotions. Battling bitterness, anger, and the throes of neglect – Yegor needed God to heal him in the places only Jesus could reach. 

Related Post: How to Have Faith in the Fire

Accepting Jesus at Kids Camp

During an extended time away from family at a kids camp in Armenia, Yegor had a moment of realization from the Lord. As a kids camp counselor walked through the campgrounds carrying a cross, drenched in fake blood, Yegor couldn’t reconcile what was happening. Yegor went to help his camp counselor, grabbed the cross, helped him, cleaned him up, and yelled at all the other kids for not helping his camp counselor.

Rather than being treated with love, empathy, and respect for helping his camp counselor, Yegor was instead scolded, chastised, and left with horrible words.

Yegor didn’t know that this reenactment was a play – he genuinely thought his camp counselor had been beaten by the other students. Yegore left the grounds to cry under a tree, trying to reconcile the confusion of the moment, when his camp leader came back and asked, “Did you know who that was? That was Jesus and He loves you.”

After accepting Jesus into his heart, his camp leader told him, “Now, you can’t do anything bad because Jesus is watching you.” This moment left Yegor with mixed messages about the nature of God, but He chose to follow the Lord anyways.

At age 12, Yegor’s mom got cancer and passed away just 20 days after her diagnosis. Shortly after at age 14, Yegor’s father drank himself to death and Yegor was left orphaned. However, rather than ending up in an orphanage, Yegor petitioned his grandmother to buy him an apartment, let him pay rent, and to do so, Yegor worked as a dishwasher to pay the bills. 

Related Post: Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer 

A Lifestyle of Sharing the Gospel Unashamedly

Full of zeal, Yegor would grow the strong habit of unashamedly sharing his faith with others from age 10 to this day!

Once while at a school show, Yegor asked to do a spoken word…though he had a different idea up his sleeve! When Yegor was handed the mic, he told the entire room to repeat the sinner's prayer or he was going to fight with them. The entire school repeated after him, said the sinner's prayer, and to his shock – parents were relieved and full of joy at this moment in school!

“God uses other people to simply remind them that God exists”

Another story Yegor shared with us was about his time in the army where he prayed for his army commander, who was then healed from a brain tumor! He also shared about bringing reform from the school to bringing reform during war time, to evading 30 years of prison time for an accident that involved a missile going into a farm, to learning languages via the power of the Holy Spirit! It is evident that Yegor has experienced the radical power of prayer and the power of the Gospel.

The day of our recording, Yegor even told us a story of sharing his faith with someone that day! Due to his history of learning languages supernaturally, he was able to tell someone at his work the story. He was able to share his faith and lead them to learn more about Jesus.

Hear more wild stories from Yegor on our podcast:  Ask About My Faith Podcast 

A Contagious Life of Prayer and Evangelism

Yegor considers it his responsibility and joy to pray for others and share his faith with those around him. During our interview, Yegor shares a story about praying for a woman who came into his workplace and shared that her son was in the children’s hospital with a grave diagnosis of stage 4 cancer. Yegor began to pray right there on the spot and through the Holy Spirit, he began to name certain things that were inhibiting healing in this young boy’s body.

The next day, the woman came back to the store Yegor worked at…but this time, she brought her son! To the joy of all three of them, this woman’s son had been completely healed in Jesus name!

“Imagine if I chickened out and I didn’t pray…where would the life of that kid be?”

Yegor also loves to go to Target and pray for those he meets in the store. One of the stories he shared was about talking with a mom in the lego aisle of Target. He shared about how excited he is to rejoice in the birth of Jesus. And eventually, through their time of conversation and prayer, she accepted Jesus in the Target aisle

Truth Bombs from Yegor

1) Fall in Love with the Presence of God : Falling in love with the presence of God is essential to having a vibrant, joyful, and exciting Christian life! Read our post on meditating on the Holy Scriptures to encounter God through the Living Word: How Can I Practice Christian Meditation?

2) Fall in Love with Your Prayer Life: Throughout Yegor’s stories, we were amazed by how often he prayed for people! Prayer is simply talking to God. To learn more about prayer, head over to our blog: All Our Resources on Prayer

3) Share Jesus Often! Sharing the love of Jesus is a privilege, honor, and a command in the Bible. As we learned through Yegor’s stories, simple obedience to the word of God changes everything. 


Our mission at Ask About My Faith is to empower you to share your faith with those around you. As we see in the life of Yegor, following Jesus was always meant to be fun and exciting. As you go into your week, we want to challenge you to share your faith with one person this week! This simple risk has the potential to change the course of someone's life forever. Join us next week on the blog for more inspiring content!


Discover Yegor's story: born disabled, miraculously healed, who now shares the love of Jesus everywhere. Be inspired by his life of prayer, evangelism, and joy!

Ask About My Faith

Our hope is to Encourage, Equip and Empower you to share your faith!

Table of Contents

Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Yegor Hambaryan, is a joyful, free, and wild follower of Jesus who loves to share his stories of miraculous healing and how he’s even received languages supernaturally with any and everyone who will listen! You will be filled with faith and joy as you read about our interview.

Born Disabled, Miraculously Healed!

“It’s not about me, it’s about how God used me! It’s a childlike faith that defaults to give praise to God!”

Born as a disabled child without kneecaps in Armenia, life was intense right from the get-go for Yegor. At age four, bound to his wheelchair, Yegor met Jesus in his room as a bright light with a man in between the brilliant light overshadowed his room. During this face-to-face encounter with the Lord at four, Yegor received direction from Jesus on which city and which doctor to go to for his treatment and healing. Jesus also directed Yegor to tell his parents all that he had heard from God! Through surgery, God did a profound miracle in Yegor’s life and healed him. Yegor was able to walk at the age 6 through the help of doctors and the Holy Spirit.

However, due to the lack of physical touch and emotional connection Yegor experienced while being disabled, his path forward in healing was an uphill battle, especially for Yegor’s emotions. Battling bitterness, anger, and the throes of neglect – Yegor needed God to heal him in the places only Jesus could reach. 

Related Post: How to Have Faith in the Fire

Accepting Jesus at Kids Camp

During an extended time away from family at a kids camp in Armenia, Yegor had a moment of realization from the Lord. As a kids camp counselor walked through the campgrounds carrying a cross, drenched in fake blood, Yegor couldn’t reconcile what was happening. Yegor went to help his camp counselor, grabbed the cross, helped him, cleaned him up, and yelled at all the other kids for not helping his camp counselor.

Rather than being treated with love, empathy, and respect for helping his camp counselor, Yegor was instead scolded, chastised, and left with horrible words.

Yegor didn’t know that this reenactment was a play – he genuinely thought his camp counselor had been beaten by the other students. Yegore left the grounds to cry under a tree, trying to reconcile the confusion of the moment, when his camp leader came back and asked, “Did you know who that was? That was Jesus and He loves you.”

After accepting Jesus into his heart, his camp leader told him, “Now, you can’t do anything bad because Jesus is watching you.” This moment left Yegor with mixed messages about the nature of God, but He chose to follow the Lord anyways.

At age 12, Yegor’s mom got cancer and passed away just 20 days after her diagnosis. Shortly after at age 14, Yegor’s father drank himself to death and Yegor was left orphaned. However, rather than ending up in an orphanage, Yegor petitioned his grandmother to buy him an apartment, let him pay rent, and to do so, Yegor worked as a dishwasher to pay the bills. 

Related Post: Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer 

A Lifestyle of Sharing the Gospel Unashamedly

Full of zeal, Yegor would grow the strong habit of unashamedly sharing his faith with others from age 10 to this day!

Once while at a school show, Yegor asked to do a spoken word…though he had a different idea up his sleeve! When Yegor was handed the mic, he told the entire room to repeat the sinner's prayer or he was going to fight with them. The entire school repeated after him, said the sinner's prayer, and to his shock – parents were relieved and full of joy at this moment in school!

“God uses other people to simply remind them that God exists”

Another story Yegor shared with us was about his time in the army where he prayed for his army commander, who was then healed from a brain tumor! He also shared about bringing reform from the school to bringing reform during war time, to evading 30 years of prison time for an accident that involved a missile going into a farm, to learning languages via the power of the Holy Spirit! It is evident that Yegor has experienced the radical power of prayer and the power of the Gospel.

The day of our recording, Yegor even told us a story of sharing his faith with someone that day! Due to his history of learning languages supernaturally, he was able to tell someone at his work the story. He was able to share his faith and lead them to learn more about Jesus.

Hear more wild stories from Yegor on our podcast:  Ask About My Faith Podcast 

A Contagious Life of Prayer and Evangelism

Yegor considers it his responsibility and joy to pray for others and share his faith with those around him. During our interview, Yegor shares a story about praying for a woman who came into his workplace and shared that her son was in the children’s hospital with a grave diagnosis of stage 4 cancer. Yegor began to pray right there on the spot and through the Holy Spirit, he began to name certain things that were inhibiting healing in this young boy’s body.

The next day, the woman came back to the store Yegor worked at…but this time, she brought her son! To the joy of all three of them, this woman’s son had been completely healed in Jesus name!

“Imagine if I chickened out and I didn’t pray…where would the life of that kid be?”

Yegor also loves to go to Target and pray for those he meets in the store. One of the stories he shared was about talking with a mom in the lego aisle of Target. He shared about how excited he is to rejoice in the birth of Jesus. And eventually, through their time of conversation and prayer, she accepted Jesus in the Target aisle

Truth Bombs from Yegor

1) Fall in Love with the Presence of God : Falling in love with the presence of God is essential to having a vibrant, joyful, and exciting Christian life! Read our post on meditating on the Holy Scriptures to encounter God through the Living Word: How Can I Practice Christian Meditation?

2) Fall in Love with Your Prayer Life: Throughout Yegor’s stories, we were amazed by how often he prayed for people! Prayer is simply talking to God. To learn more about prayer, head over to our blog: All Our Resources on Prayer

3) Share Jesus Often! Sharing the love of Jesus is a privilege, honor, and a command in the Bible. As we learned through Yegor’s stories, simple obedience to the word of God changes everything. 


Our mission at Ask About My Faith is to empower you to share your faith with those around you. As we see in the life of Yegor, following Jesus was always meant to be fun and exciting. As you go into your week, we want to challenge you to share your faith with one person this week! This simple risk has the potential to change the course of someone's life forever. Join us next week on the blog for more inspiring content!


Discover Yegor's story: born disabled, miraculously healed, who now shares the love of Jesus everywhere. Be inspired by his life of prayer, evangelism, and joy!

Ask About My Faith

Our hope is to Encourage, Equip and Empower you to share your faith!

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