An open hand covered in paint, with a blue background

How Art Can Open Doors for Faith Conversations

November 25, 2019
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Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Greg Stewart, is a talented motion designer and lead animator at Bible Project. Throughout the years, his art has emboldened him to start conversations about God in coworking spaces, living rooms, and even on late night dog walks. 

Growing Up in Faith 

Greg grew up in a Christian home with both parents serving as pastors. His parents' love for the Lord was genuine and contagious, and this love served as a catalyst to Greg receiving Jesus into his heart at 4 years old.

Even at an young age, Greg was unafraid to share his faith. His earliest memory of telling others about Jesus was when he was in kindergarten! While on a ride home with his friend, Patrick, Greg shared his story of finding Jesus. Shortly after, Patrick’s whole family began going to Church and intentionally seeking the Lord.

During his teenage years, Greg found himself at a crossroads. He knew that God was real, but began an intentional journey of wholehearted faith. He pursued God and found a youth group where he could ask real questions he was wrestling with. This desire for authentic faith produced a genuine love for God that has stuck with him to this day.

Related Post: How to Share Your Faith as a Teen 

Weaving the Lord into Every Conversation

Over the course of his adult life, Greg has made a habit of inviting the Lord into his conversations. As a current owner of a rental property, Greg has been able to have meaningful talks with his neighbor, who is also his tenant. Both of the men have dogs and are usually out late at night taking them for walks. The two have continually crossed paths, and Greg has witnessed to his neighbor by answering questions about the Bible and hearing more of his neighbor’s life story.

These simple conversations are a great example of how we can sow seeds of the Gospel and build relationships with others through our love and actions.

Another story of Greg sharing his faith was during a graphic design conference in North Carolina. Prospective graphic design students were coming up to Greg and asking him questions about how he got into the creative industry. 

This open door was an avenue for him to share that, though he didn’t go to school for design, God made a way for him to have a career as a creative. He was a seminary student with a love for languages, but one video of a remote people group receiving a Bible in their native language caused him to change course and pursue film, art, and ultimately motion design.

Related Post: 4 Tips for Having Conversations About Faith

Engaging Culture Through the Arts

“I may be the only Christian in people's lives!”

Since then, Greg has been living each day on mission with his art in mind.  Day to day, Greg gets to share Jesus to people of all different faith backgrounds and perspectives. When working on faith-based projects in coworking spaces, he is often asked questions about his art and what he’s working on. Greg is always eager to share Jesus to those who are curious. 

During one late night work session in Northeast Minneapolis, a divine conversation started between Greg and a coworker over pizza. The talk went from mundane to spiritual, and Greg was bold as he shared the truth of the Gospel with his coworker.

Though his coworker has yet to receive Jesus, this moment of vulnerability created trust and report that is lasting to this day. 

Related Podcast: Caleb Crutchfield + Collaborate Good

How to Use Your Gifts to Have Faith Conversations

Let your life speak.

People are always paying attention to the little details in our lives. How we welcome people, how we treat others, and how we tip at restaurants are all things that can showcase the love of Jesus to those around us. 

Just share.

Living our lives with integrity and character is necessary, but so is using our words to invite people into faith conversations. Being unafraid to share the Gospel can take practice, but remember - it’s Good News and it’s a delight to share with others! 

Surround yourself with Godly mentors.

Mentorship has played a key role in Greg’s story and he encourages others to do the same. Surround yourself with people who are further along in life and their walk with God. 

Starting conversations about God doesn’t have to be difficult. As we ask good questions and become intentional in conversation, we anticipate the moments we get to tell our story and let God do the rest. Take a minute to ask God, “Is there anyone you’d like me to share my story with this week?” See what He says and take a risk!

Related Post: 3 Reasons Why Sharing Your Faith Story Matters


Can art start conversations about God? Our recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Greg Stewart, is a motion designer and now lead animator at the Bible Project.

Ask About My Faith

Our hope is to Encourage, Equip and Empower you to share your faith!

Table of Contents

Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Greg Stewart, is a talented motion designer and lead animator at Bible Project. Throughout the years, his art has emboldened him to start conversations about God in coworking spaces, living rooms, and even on late night dog walks. 

Growing Up in Faith 

Greg grew up in a Christian home with both parents serving as pastors. His parents' love for the Lord was genuine and contagious, and this love served as a catalyst to Greg receiving Jesus into his heart at 4 years old.

Even at an young age, Greg was unafraid to share his faith. His earliest memory of telling others about Jesus was when he was in kindergarten! While on a ride home with his friend, Patrick, Greg shared his story of finding Jesus. Shortly after, Patrick’s whole family began going to Church and intentionally seeking the Lord.

During his teenage years, Greg found himself at a crossroads. He knew that God was real, but began an intentional journey of wholehearted faith. He pursued God and found a youth group where he could ask real questions he was wrestling with. This desire for authentic faith produced a genuine love for God that has stuck with him to this day.

Related Post: How to Share Your Faith as a Teen 

Weaving the Lord into Every Conversation

Over the course of his adult life, Greg has made a habit of inviting the Lord into his conversations. As a current owner of a rental property, Greg has been able to have meaningful talks with his neighbor, who is also his tenant. Both of the men have dogs and are usually out late at night taking them for walks. The two have continually crossed paths, and Greg has witnessed to his neighbor by answering questions about the Bible and hearing more of his neighbor’s life story.

These simple conversations are a great example of how we can sow seeds of the Gospel and build relationships with others through our love and actions.

Another story of Greg sharing his faith was during a graphic design conference in North Carolina. Prospective graphic design students were coming up to Greg and asking him questions about how he got into the creative industry. 

This open door was an avenue for him to share that, though he didn’t go to school for design, God made a way for him to have a career as a creative. He was a seminary student with a love for languages, but one video of a remote people group receiving a Bible in their native language caused him to change course and pursue film, art, and ultimately motion design.

Related Post: 4 Tips for Having Conversations About Faith

Engaging Culture Through the Arts

“I may be the only Christian in people's lives!”

Since then, Greg has been living each day on mission with his art in mind.  Day to day, Greg gets to share Jesus to people of all different faith backgrounds and perspectives. When working on faith-based projects in coworking spaces, he is often asked questions about his art and what he’s working on. Greg is always eager to share Jesus to those who are curious. 

During one late night work session in Northeast Minneapolis, a divine conversation started between Greg and a coworker over pizza. The talk went from mundane to spiritual, and Greg was bold as he shared the truth of the Gospel with his coworker.

Though his coworker has yet to receive Jesus, this moment of vulnerability created trust and report that is lasting to this day. 

Related Podcast: Caleb Crutchfield + Collaborate Good

How to Use Your Gifts to Have Faith Conversations

Let your life speak.

People are always paying attention to the little details in our lives. How we welcome people, how we treat others, and how we tip at restaurants are all things that can showcase the love of Jesus to those around us. 

Just share.

Living our lives with integrity and character is necessary, but so is using our words to invite people into faith conversations. Being unafraid to share the Gospel can take practice, but remember - it’s Good News and it’s a delight to share with others! 

Surround yourself with Godly mentors.

Mentorship has played a key role in Greg’s story and he encourages others to do the same. Surround yourself with people who are further along in life and their walk with God. 

Starting conversations about God doesn’t have to be difficult. As we ask good questions and become intentional in conversation, we anticipate the moments we get to tell our story and let God do the rest. Take a minute to ask God, “Is there anyone you’d like me to share my story with this week?” See what He says and take a risk!

Related Post: 3 Reasons Why Sharing Your Faith Story Matters


Can art start conversations about God? Our recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Greg Stewart, is a motion designer and now lead animator at the Bible Project.

Ask About My Faith

Our hope is to Encourage, Equip and Empower you to share your faith!

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