A woman's hands holding a newborn baby's bare feet

How to Have Faith in the Fire

November 25, 2019
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Have you ever seen God move in mighty ways?

Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Brian Zimmer, is a teacher and joyful follower of Jesus. Brian is always eager to share the wild testimony of how the Lord brought his daughter back to life after she was proclaimed clinically dead for 8 minutes. His faith is contagious and his story will minister to all who read it. 

Beginnings in God 

Brian grew up going to Church, but his faith was forced to become real in the face of tragedy. During Brian’s senior year of high school, his best friend suddenly passed away. Brian arrived at the scene of the accident and confirmed his friend's lifeless body. He entered into a season of deep grief, trauma, and doubt. Amidst the chaos, there was no way for Brian to know that years later in life, he would witness a documentable miracle.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. - Psalm 23:4 

When Brian went to college, he stepped away from God and entered a time of compromise to numb the pain of his senior year. During this time, Brian met an older man who ministered to those in great pain. The two met at a restaurant and when they began to pray, Brian heard this mentor say:

“I think God wants to heal you!”

As the two pressed further into prayer, this newfound mentor highlighted the pain of rejection to Brian. When Brian heard these words, he was struck with emotion as he recognized this painful root from when he was adopted. Through prayer and scripture, God lifted Brian’s pain. Shortly after this moment, he felt a resounding “I want to come home!” in his spirit – to the Lord and to his family that he had pushed away in his time of grief.

See our article: You Are Never Too Far Gone | Stories of God’s Redemption 

Off to the Mission Field 

After college, Brian went to YWAM (Youth With a Mission) in Tijuana, Mexico. He spent 3 months in discipleship and 3 months on the mission field. He shared a story with us about being in Downtown Tijuana late at night, among prostitution and drug use, with only one goal in mind: to pray with those they met. While praying with a woman that night, an intense man with an assault rifle appeared and promptly told them to leave as their ‘presence was disrupting business.’ Obviously stunned, Brian and the team wondered what to do, when suddenly the man with the assault rifle asked, “Are you guys Christian?” Brian told him, “Yes,” and the man with the assault rifle calmly backed away and let them continue to minister on the streets.

Following this encounter, Brian was increasingly touched by the power of God that he saw on display in the nations. When he came home to the States, the culture shock of Western Christianity set in uncomfortably. He felt tampered by Western culture and wondered, “Am I too radical?” or “Am I what normal Christianity should look like?”

Regardless of the internal wrestling, Brian continued to share his faith with love and grace. He was often met with resistance and even experienced questions from Christians who were agitated by his boldness! To this day, he remains convicted and excited by sharing what the Lord has done in his life with others.

Related Post: The Best Way to Think About Prayer 

Daily Rhythms of Sharing God 

“We want divine appointments…We ask God to bring the hungry ones!”

Whether it’s the basketball court, a neighborhood, a coffee shop, or the classroom – Brian is intentional about speaking with love, hope, and blessings with everyone around him. While not everyone is ready to accept Jesus right away, he’s found that almost everyone is open to receiving prayer.

Brian is happily married with three kids who love to join him on the basketball court or watch their dad play from the sidelines. When he discerns it’s a good time to pray with someone, he invites his kids to pray alongside him, especially after their family experienced a real-life miracle that changed their world forever.

Learn more about empowering your kids with boldness in their faith: How to Help Your Kids Share Your Faith 

A Resurrection Story that Touches All

“It’s not my story…it’s God’s.”

When Brian and his wife, Hillary, were joyfully expecting their third child. All was going well for Selah’s labor until the moment of delivery when the midwives first discovered that Selah’s heartbeat was faint. Concern filled the room, but moments later confirmed the worst: Selah’s heart had officially stopped beating. EMTs arrived and to the shock of all, Selah arrived stillborn and was clinically dead for 8 minutes.

Amidst the chaos, the midwives told Brian, “You need to speak your daughter’s name.” Brian kept saying her name and continued in prayer. He sent a voice message to his church community at once: “My Selah is dead. We need a miracle.”

Selah was admitted to the NICU where the fight for her life officially began. Every time Brian and his wife prayed, they were disheartened that Selah seemed to be getting sicker and sicker. Hope was thin. During their intense time at the hospital, Hillary asked Brian solemnly:

“Whether she lives or dies, will we serve the Lord?”

Brian chose to surrender Selah’s life to God. Shortly after, a miracle procedure of Ecmo was agreed upon with the knowledge that brain damage would be imminent. To everyone's great surprise, 5 days later, Selah was off Ecmo, and to the Lord’s praise, Selah had no brain damage, no seizures, and no residual effects from the trauma of being stillborn. Selah is a walking miracle and remains in good health. 

Words of Wisdom from Brian 

God’s healing power is for today and the story of Selah is a living, breathing testimony of the goodness of God. Brian continues to live each day sharing the wonder of God and is eager to let others hear about the goodness of God. He offers us simple tips to continue to share our faith this week: 

Don’t overthink prayer. 

It’s as simple as, “Hey, Can I pray for you?” Brian reminds us that prayer doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be simple and powerful. When in doubt, just bless the person you’re speaking to and remember to pray for them as you would want someone to pray for you!

Everyone wants to be seen. 

Simply smiling at someone can change their life! Sometimes we only get one shot to showcase Jesus to a specific person. People are hungry for someone to care about them and we, as Christians, are built to care for others. Brian reminds us that it’s good to be “inconvenienced” by God, especially when we have the chance to change someone's life. 

Related Story: 50 Things I've Learned in the Year Since My Best Friend Died

Bible Verses to Remember from Brian’s Story

He must increase, but I must decrease.  - John 3:30 
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. - Hebrews 13:8


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Do miracles still happen? Hear from Brian Zimmer and how he uses real stories of God’s power to share his faith.

Ask About My Faith

Our hope is to Encourage, Equip and Empower you to share your faith!

Table of Contents

Have you ever seen God move in mighty ways?

Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Brian Zimmer, is a teacher and joyful follower of Jesus. Brian is always eager to share the wild testimony of how the Lord brought his daughter back to life after she was proclaimed clinically dead for 8 minutes. His faith is contagious and his story will minister to all who read it. 

Beginnings in God 

Brian grew up going to Church, but his faith was forced to become real in the face of tragedy. During Brian’s senior year of high school, his best friend suddenly passed away. Brian arrived at the scene of the accident and confirmed his friend's lifeless body. He entered into a season of deep grief, trauma, and doubt. Amidst the chaos, there was no way for Brian to know that years later in life, he would witness a documentable miracle.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. - Psalm 23:4 

When Brian went to college, he stepped away from God and entered a time of compromise to numb the pain of his senior year. During this time, Brian met an older man who ministered to those in great pain. The two met at a restaurant and when they began to pray, Brian heard this mentor say:

“I think God wants to heal you!”

As the two pressed further into prayer, this newfound mentor highlighted the pain of rejection to Brian. When Brian heard these words, he was struck with emotion as he recognized this painful root from when he was adopted. Through prayer and scripture, God lifted Brian’s pain. Shortly after this moment, he felt a resounding “I want to come home!” in his spirit – to the Lord and to his family that he had pushed away in his time of grief.

See our article: You Are Never Too Far Gone | Stories of God’s Redemption 

Off to the Mission Field 

After college, Brian went to YWAM (Youth With a Mission) in Tijuana, Mexico. He spent 3 months in discipleship and 3 months on the mission field. He shared a story with us about being in Downtown Tijuana late at night, among prostitution and drug use, with only one goal in mind: to pray with those they met. While praying with a woman that night, an intense man with an assault rifle appeared and promptly told them to leave as their ‘presence was disrupting business.’ Obviously stunned, Brian and the team wondered what to do, when suddenly the man with the assault rifle asked, “Are you guys Christian?” Brian told him, “Yes,” and the man with the assault rifle calmly backed away and let them continue to minister on the streets.

Following this encounter, Brian was increasingly touched by the power of God that he saw on display in the nations. When he came home to the States, the culture shock of Western Christianity set in uncomfortably. He felt tampered by Western culture and wondered, “Am I too radical?” or “Am I what normal Christianity should look like?”

Regardless of the internal wrestling, Brian continued to share his faith with love and grace. He was often met with resistance and even experienced questions from Christians who were agitated by his boldness! To this day, he remains convicted and excited by sharing what the Lord has done in his life with others.

Related Post: The Best Way to Think About Prayer 

Daily Rhythms of Sharing God 

“We want divine appointments…We ask God to bring the hungry ones!”

Whether it’s the basketball court, a neighborhood, a coffee shop, or the classroom – Brian is intentional about speaking with love, hope, and blessings with everyone around him. While not everyone is ready to accept Jesus right away, he’s found that almost everyone is open to receiving prayer.

Brian is happily married with three kids who love to join him on the basketball court or watch their dad play from the sidelines. When he discerns it’s a good time to pray with someone, he invites his kids to pray alongside him, especially after their family experienced a real-life miracle that changed their world forever.

Learn more about empowering your kids with boldness in their faith: How to Help Your Kids Share Your Faith 

A Resurrection Story that Touches All

“It’s not my story…it’s God’s.”

When Brian and his wife, Hillary, were joyfully expecting their third child. All was going well for Selah’s labor until the moment of delivery when the midwives first discovered that Selah’s heartbeat was faint. Concern filled the room, but moments later confirmed the worst: Selah’s heart had officially stopped beating. EMTs arrived and to the shock of all, Selah arrived stillborn and was clinically dead for 8 minutes.

Amidst the chaos, the midwives told Brian, “You need to speak your daughter’s name.” Brian kept saying her name and continued in prayer. He sent a voice message to his church community at once: “My Selah is dead. We need a miracle.”

Selah was admitted to the NICU where the fight for her life officially began. Every time Brian and his wife prayed, they were disheartened that Selah seemed to be getting sicker and sicker. Hope was thin. During their intense time at the hospital, Hillary asked Brian solemnly:

“Whether she lives or dies, will we serve the Lord?”

Brian chose to surrender Selah’s life to God. Shortly after, a miracle procedure of Ecmo was agreed upon with the knowledge that brain damage would be imminent. To everyone's great surprise, 5 days later, Selah was off Ecmo, and to the Lord’s praise, Selah had no brain damage, no seizures, and no residual effects from the trauma of being stillborn. Selah is a walking miracle and remains in good health. 

Words of Wisdom from Brian 

God’s healing power is for today and the story of Selah is a living, breathing testimony of the goodness of God. Brian continues to live each day sharing the wonder of God and is eager to let others hear about the goodness of God. He offers us simple tips to continue to share our faith this week: 

Don’t overthink prayer. 

It’s as simple as, “Hey, Can I pray for you?” Brian reminds us that prayer doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be simple and powerful. When in doubt, just bless the person you’re speaking to and remember to pray for them as you would want someone to pray for you!

Everyone wants to be seen. 

Simply smiling at someone can change their life! Sometimes we only get one shot to showcase Jesus to a specific person. People are hungry for someone to care about them and we, as Christians, are built to care for others. Brian reminds us that it’s good to be “inconvenienced” by God, especially when we have the chance to change someone's life. 

Related Story: 50 Things I've Learned in the Year Since My Best Friend Died

Bible Verses to Remember from Brian’s Story

He must increase, but I must decrease.  - John 3:30 
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. - Hebrews 13:8


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Do miracles still happen? Hear from Brian Zimmer and how he uses real stories of God’s power to share his faith.

Ask About My Faith

Our hope is to Encourage, Equip and Empower you to share your faith!

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