Football Prayer

‍How to Live a Life of Availability to God with Darrin Gray

November 25, 2019
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From Promise Keepers to Media Minister

Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Darrin Gray is a producer, emcee, speaker, pro sports author of The Jersey Effect, and founder of the Pro Player Prayer Project. Native to Indiana, he graduated with honors from Hanover College in 1989 with a BA in Theology. He has been married for 30 years to his childhood sweetheart, Leslie.

Darrin was raised in a super faithful household, making his decision to follow Jesus as a young boy. However, he truly gave his life to the Lord at a Promise Keepers convention in 1999. During the altar call, the Bible verse, “As for me and my household, we’ll serve the Lord,” was branded in his heart as the path for his life.

But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. - Joshua 24:15 NIV

After studying and getting a degree in theology, rather than going into ministry, Darrin found his home in the media industry. He began expressing his leadership skills in the media world and showing the love of God through the ministry of availability.

“A great message married with some media can reach a whole lot more people!”

When the Colts called because they had a new head coach, Darrin met Tony Dungy – an African American defensive back who played with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Slowly but surely, after spending time with Tony Dungy, Darrin’s heart began to shift, knowing a career change was coming. In 2002, Darrin traded in his role within big media to help Tony’s vision of ministering to fathers. Throughout the years, he learned how to be a sports media minister, helping to craft and build brands like Family First, All Pro Dad, and iMom.

Related Post: How Art Can Open Doors to Faith Conversations with a Bible Project Animator

Seeing God Work through Tragic Circumstances

Serving Others as An Act of Availability

Early on in his life, while Darrin was a chaplain for his local football team, he discovered systematic ways to share the Gospel. Through sports analogies, he learned to share his faith with regularity, hope, and ease.

However, when tragedy struck his football team, he began to understand the profound ministry of availability and service to others. In the middle of a season, one of the students on his football team committed suicide. As the chaplain, everyone began to look to Darrin for the answers of how to process the tragic death of their teammate.

Darrin was speaking at the funeral, helping each of the boys walk through their questions and grief, giving counsel to them and helping them reconcile their own faith because of the traumatic event. Through the ministry of availability, Darrin had a profound moment with his oldest son, Evan, just a day after the incident.

While Evan and Darrin were driving home, Darrin stopped the car by a pier. He invited his son Evan to come with him and the two walked out into the water by the pier. Evan quickly received Christ in the midst of the pain he felt due to losing his friend. Darrin describes that season of life as a homecoming and a homegoing all at the same time. On the backdrop of grief and loss, God began to encounter students all throughout his town.

Read more about our God who never leaves us or forsakes us with our blog: How to Have Joy & Peace in Difficult Times 

Impacting Lives through Prayer

Do you remember when all eyes were on the NFL during a historic game in 2023? A player by the name of Damar Hamlin was seriously injured after taking a hit by the other team. He entered into cardiac arrest during the field of play, due to a rare sports injury called commotio cordis. Damar Hamlin spent more than 10 minutes down and unconscious on the field. 

What happened during these minutes that felt like hours was wild: players knelt down on the ground and prayed for the healing of Damar Hamlin. Though he spent over 48 hours in a coma and 9 days in the hospital, God miraculously spared Damar Hamlin’s life!

After this miraculous incident, Darrin began to wonder if there was a way to systematically pray over every NFL player so that everyone could receive covering and blessing from the name of Jesus. Shortly after, Darrin and his team were able to coordinate the first ever Pro Player Prayer Project at the Museum of the Bible

Hear more about Darrin’s miraculous stories in our full episode on the Ask About My Faith Podcast

The Ministry of Availability | 2 Chronicles 16:9

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. - 2 Chronicles 16:9a 

Because the world is moving so fast, sometimes we actually need to slow down to speed up. The ministry to the few is needed more so than the ministry to the many. The common name for this concept s the ministry of availability.

The ministry of availability is a spiritual discipline where someone chooses to put the needs of others above themselves, actively being available to God and staying available for others. Sometimes the ministry of availability is also called the ministry of presence. An easy example of the ministry of availability is to intentionally not overschedule your day, so that you can leave windows in your calendar for God to move!

Some great questions that Darrin asks to facilitate the ministry of availability are:

“Tell me what it was like to grow up at about age 11!”
“What did you listen to on the car on the way here?”
“What is the most valuable character trait of your closest friend?”
“What societal problem do you feel uniquely burdened for?”

Bible Verses About the Ministry of Availability 

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to live a life available to God? This isn't just about having free time; it's about a heart posture of readiness to serve. Discover how to discern God's will through availability, the importance of obedience to God, and how serving others is a vital piece of the ministry of availability. Be inspired by these Bible verses about living a life fully surrendered to God's purposes: 

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. - 2 Chronicles 16:9a NIV

This Bible verse about the ministry of availability highlights the incredible power of being available! This scripture in 2 Chronicles 16:9 reminds us that God is constantly seeking those who are wholeheartedly devoted to Him. The biblical meaning of availability to God is found in how you create a life where you're open to His leading and ready to serve, at all times. Follow in the footsteps of Darrin Gray’s stories and use this principle in your everyday life!

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” - Isaiah 6:8 NIV

Ever wondered how to truly find your place in God's Kingdom? Isaiah 6:8 reminds us that discerning God's will through availability is key. When we wholeheartedly offer ourselves to Him, like Isaiah did, we become open to His call, willing to go where He leads, and increasing our impact by serving others as an act of availability to God.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. - Mark 1:17-18 NIV

This powerful story from Mark 1:17-18 illustrates the importance of obedience in a life of availability. When Jesus called the fishermen to follow Him, they immediately dropped their nets and responded without hesitation. This act of finding your place in God's kingdom through availability demonstrates the incredible impact we can have when we're open to His leading and ready to serve.

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. - Luke 16:10 NIV

This Bible verse about the ministry of availability offers valuable insight into how we can best serve others as an act of availability to God. It emphasizes the importance of faithfulness in the small things. When we demonstrate integrity and trustworthiness in our daily lives, even in seemingly insignificant matters, we demonstrate a heart that is discerning God's will through availability. Just like how our guest, Darrin Gray, intentionally leaves room in his schedule for God to move, you can adjust your calendar to show God you’re open to His leadership too!

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” - Matthew 25:40 NIV

This powerful verse from Matthew 25:40 is one of the key Bible verses about the ministry of availability. It reminds us that serving others who are in need is at the core of our call as Christians. This profound truth underscores the importance of obedience in a life of availability. When we respond to the needs of those around us, we are living out our faith and demonstrating our love for God in a tangible way. Remember, simple obedience changes history! Stay available to serve and make a difference in the world.

Tips to Live a Life of Availability to God

1) Offer to Pray For Others in Public: In Darrin’s opinion, the most accessible way to share your faith is to simply ask those you’re in conversation with: “Is there anything you need prayer for?” Then, you can ask if it’s okay to pray for them right then and there, in the moment! And remember: if you’re in a restaurant or a coffee shop: give a big tip! 

2) Remember this Quote: “Opportunity favors the prepared mind.” Barna research shows us that Christians are becoming more hesitant to share their faith. However, people who read the Bible regularly are far more likely to share their faith with others. Darrin encourages all of our readers and listeners to remember to get into the Word of God! Four or more days in the Bible per week is all it takes to begin to change your life for the better. Start with the Word and the decision to live each day for God will quickly follow.

Related Post: Bible Resources from Ask About My Faith 

Darrin Gray's journey of faith is a powerful reminder that living a life of availability to God is not just about grand gestures, but about the everyday choices we make when no one is watching.  By prioritizing discipleship, staying open to God's leading, and serving those around us, we can become people who bring transformation in the world. Remember, simple acts of obedience can have a profound impact – from the coffee shop, to the board meeting, all the way to the NFL.

So, let's commit to living lives of availability, allowing God to use us in unexpected ways. May we all be strengthened by His presence and empowered to serve Him faithfully!


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 Hear from Darrin Gray on his journey from chaplain to Athletes in Action to the NFL on the power of serving God and others through the ministry of availability.

Ask About My Faith

Our hope is to Encourage, Equip and Empower you to share your faith!

Table of Contents

From Promise Keepers to Media Minister

Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Darrin Gray is a producer, emcee, speaker, pro sports author of The Jersey Effect, and founder of the Pro Player Prayer Project. Native to Indiana, he graduated with honors from Hanover College in 1989 with a BA in Theology. He has been married for 30 years to his childhood sweetheart, Leslie.

Darrin was raised in a super faithful household, making his decision to follow Jesus as a young boy. However, he truly gave his life to the Lord at a Promise Keepers convention in 1999. During the altar call, the Bible verse, “As for me and my household, we’ll serve the Lord,” was branded in his heart as the path for his life.

But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. - Joshua 24:15 NIV

After studying and getting a degree in theology, rather than going into ministry, Darrin found his home in the media industry. He began expressing his leadership skills in the media world and showing the love of God through the ministry of availability.

“A great message married with some media can reach a whole lot more people!”

When the Colts called because they had a new head coach, Darrin met Tony Dungy – an African American defensive back who played with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Slowly but surely, after spending time with Tony Dungy, Darrin’s heart began to shift, knowing a career change was coming. In 2002, Darrin traded in his role within big media to help Tony’s vision of ministering to fathers. Throughout the years, he learned how to be a sports media minister, helping to craft and build brands like Family First, All Pro Dad, and iMom.

Related Post: How Art Can Open Doors to Faith Conversations with a Bible Project Animator

Seeing God Work through Tragic Circumstances

Serving Others as An Act of Availability

Early on in his life, while Darrin was a chaplain for his local football team, he discovered systematic ways to share the Gospel. Through sports analogies, he learned to share his faith with regularity, hope, and ease.

However, when tragedy struck his football team, he began to understand the profound ministry of availability and service to others. In the middle of a season, one of the students on his football team committed suicide. As the chaplain, everyone began to look to Darrin for the answers of how to process the tragic death of their teammate.

Darrin was speaking at the funeral, helping each of the boys walk through their questions and grief, giving counsel to them and helping them reconcile their own faith because of the traumatic event. Through the ministry of availability, Darrin had a profound moment with his oldest son, Evan, just a day after the incident.

While Evan and Darrin were driving home, Darrin stopped the car by a pier. He invited his son Evan to come with him and the two walked out into the water by the pier. Evan quickly received Christ in the midst of the pain he felt due to losing his friend. Darrin describes that season of life as a homecoming and a homegoing all at the same time. On the backdrop of grief and loss, God began to encounter students all throughout his town.

Read more about our God who never leaves us or forsakes us with our blog: How to Have Joy & Peace in Difficult Times 

Impacting Lives through Prayer

Do you remember when all eyes were on the NFL during a historic game in 2023? A player by the name of Damar Hamlin was seriously injured after taking a hit by the other team. He entered into cardiac arrest during the field of play, due to a rare sports injury called commotio cordis. Damar Hamlin spent more than 10 minutes down and unconscious on the field. 

What happened during these minutes that felt like hours was wild: players knelt down on the ground and prayed for the healing of Damar Hamlin. Though he spent over 48 hours in a coma and 9 days in the hospital, God miraculously spared Damar Hamlin’s life!

After this miraculous incident, Darrin began to wonder if there was a way to systematically pray over every NFL player so that everyone could receive covering and blessing from the name of Jesus. Shortly after, Darrin and his team were able to coordinate the first ever Pro Player Prayer Project at the Museum of the Bible

Hear more about Darrin’s miraculous stories in our full episode on the Ask About My Faith Podcast

The Ministry of Availability | 2 Chronicles 16:9

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. - 2 Chronicles 16:9a 

Because the world is moving so fast, sometimes we actually need to slow down to speed up. The ministry to the few is needed more so than the ministry to the many. The common name for this concept s the ministry of availability.

The ministry of availability is a spiritual discipline where someone chooses to put the needs of others above themselves, actively being available to God and staying available for others. Sometimes the ministry of availability is also called the ministry of presence. An easy example of the ministry of availability is to intentionally not overschedule your day, so that you can leave windows in your calendar for God to move!

Some great questions that Darrin asks to facilitate the ministry of availability are:

“Tell me what it was like to grow up at about age 11!”
“What did you listen to on the car on the way here?”
“What is the most valuable character trait of your closest friend?”
“What societal problem do you feel uniquely burdened for?”

Bible Verses About the Ministry of Availability 

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to live a life available to God? This isn't just about having free time; it's about a heart posture of readiness to serve. Discover how to discern God's will through availability, the importance of obedience to God, and how serving others is a vital piece of the ministry of availability. Be inspired by these Bible verses about living a life fully surrendered to God's purposes: 

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. - 2 Chronicles 16:9a NIV

This Bible verse about the ministry of availability highlights the incredible power of being available! This scripture in 2 Chronicles 16:9 reminds us that God is constantly seeking those who are wholeheartedly devoted to Him. The biblical meaning of availability to God is found in how you create a life where you're open to His leading and ready to serve, at all times. Follow in the footsteps of Darrin Gray’s stories and use this principle in your everyday life!

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” - Isaiah 6:8 NIV

Ever wondered how to truly find your place in God's Kingdom? Isaiah 6:8 reminds us that discerning God's will through availability is key. When we wholeheartedly offer ourselves to Him, like Isaiah did, we become open to His call, willing to go where He leads, and increasing our impact by serving others as an act of availability to God.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. - Mark 1:17-18 NIV

This powerful story from Mark 1:17-18 illustrates the importance of obedience in a life of availability. When Jesus called the fishermen to follow Him, they immediately dropped their nets and responded without hesitation. This act of finding your place in God's kingdom through availability demonstrates the incredible impact we can have when we're open to His leading and ready to serve.

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. - Luke 16:10 NIV

This Bible verse about the ministry of availability offers valuable insight into how we can best serve others as an act of availability to God. It emphasizes the importance of faithfulness in the small things. When we demonstrate integrity and trustworthiness in our daily lives, even in seemingly insignificant matters, we demonstrate a heart that is discerning God's will through availability. Just like how our guest, Darrin Gray, intentionally leaves room in his schedule for God to move, you can adjust your calendar to show God you’re open to His leadership too!

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” - Matthew 25:40 NIV

This powerful verse from Matthew 25:40 is one of the key Bible verses about the ministry of availability. It reminds us that serving others who are in need is at the core of our call as Christians. This profound truth underscores the importance of obedience in a life of availability. When we respond to the needs of those around us, we are living out our faith and demonstrating our love for God in a tangible way. Remember, simple obedience changes history! Stay available to serve and make a difference in the world.

Tips to Live a Life of Availability to God

1) Offer to Pray For Others in Public: In Darrin’s opinion, the most accessible way to share your faith is to simply ask those you’re in conversation with: “Is there anything you need prayer for?” Then, you can ask if it’s okay to pray for them right then and there, in the moment! And remember: if you’re in a restaurant or a coffee shop: give a big tip! 

2) Remember this Quote: “Opportunity favors the prepared mind.” Barna research shows us that Christians are becoming more hesitant to share their faith. However, people who read the Bible regularly are far more likely to share their faith with others. Darrin encourages all of our readers and listeners to remember to get into the Word of God! Four or more days in the Bible per week is all it takes to begin to change your life for the better. Start with the Word and the decision to live each day for God will quickly follow.

Related Post: Bible Resources from Ask About My Faith 

Darrin Gray's journey of faith is a powerful reminder that living a life of availability to God is not just about grand gestures, but about the everyday choices we make when no one is watching.  By prioritizing discipleship, staying open to God's leading, and serving those around us, we can become people who bring transformation in the world. Remember, simple acts of obedience can have a profound impact – from the coffee shop, to the board meeting, all the way to the NFL.

So, let's commit to living lives of availability, allowing God to use us in unexpected ways. May we all be strengthened by His presence and empowered to serve Him faithfully!


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 Hear from Darrin Gray on his journey from chaplain to Athletes in Action to the NFL on the power of serving God and others through the ministry of availability.

Ask About My Faith

Our hope is to Encourage, Equip and Empower you to share your faith!

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