Sharing your faith story is a powerful way to show God’s love to others. But, sometimes it’s hard to share your faith with authenticity.
Maybe there’s a part of your story that’s hard to share because of pain or shame. How can we overcome hesitations and be real in faith conversations?
Or, perhaps you feel your story isn’t exciting enough, and not worth sharing. How can we still use a “boring” story to share the gospel?
As you prepare to have everyday faith conversations, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Related Post: What Jesus Teaches Us About Having Faith Conversations
Don’t Be Ashamed of Your Testimony
Sharing your testimony about how Jesus has transformed your life is something to be proud of, not ashamed of.
When you share your testimony, you’re sharing the story of God’s rescue mission for you. It’s a testament to the real and profound impact that Jesus has had in your life. God saved you!
Your story may resonate with someone who’s struggling, searching, or doubting in a similar way you did. Your authentic faith story may be the very thing that leads them to a closer relationship with Christ.
Perhaps you think your faith story is “boring.” Remember that your testimony doesn’t have to be dramatic for it to be meaningful. Sometimes, the most powerful stories are the ones that reflect the gradual, transformative work of God in our lives. After all, there’s nothing more miraculous than being rescued from death to life!
Ultimately, it’s not about comparing your journey to someone else’s. It’s about sharing how Jesus has brought you from where you were to where you are now.
Your Faith Story Points to Jesus, Not to Your Sin
When you share your faith story, it is not to glorify your sinful past. Quite the opposite! Your faith story shows others how you were rescued from your sin, into bright hope and healing.
When sharing your faith with authenticity, make sure you’re telling it in a way that points to Jesus. Keep the focus of your story on Him and not on your former self. After all, in Christ, you are a new creation! You’re not that person anymore.
Related Post: Embrace Your Uniqueness When Sharing Your Faith
How to Share Your Faith with Authenticity
Sharing your faith with authenticity is about speaking in a genuine way, without coming across as preachy. You are sharing the story of how God rescued you, and how He continues to write your story.
No one can argue with your story. After all, it is the true story of your life. Share it in a truthful, heartfelt way. Here are some more tips:
Be prepared.
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect - 1 Peter 3:15
Be prepared to tell your story! Look for opportunities to share personal stories of how your faith has influenced your life. Keep reminding yourself of how God has intervened in your life, and be ready to share those stories when opportunities arise.
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When engaging in conversations about faith, start by listening to the other person. Ask questions, listen intently, and show genuine interest in their story. This opens the door to further questions and insight into where they are coming from.
Be honest.
Be honest about your struggles and moments of doubt. Vulnerability can make your life, and your faith, relatable and approachable. Just because you’re a believer in Jesus, that doesn’t mean your life is perfect. That’s ok to share; we’re all sinners in need of salvation.
Everyday, pray, “Holy Spirit, lead me into conversations about Jesus.” Pray for those in your sphere of influence that need the hope that Jesus gives. Ask God to help you have the heart to share, and the words to say.
Don’t be ashamed of your testimony. Embrace it! Share it! Take every opportunity to extend hope to others and share God’s incredible love and grace.
Your story matters, and it can make a significant difference in the lives of those who hear it.
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