Tragedy into Triumph | Inky Johnson | Above Inspiration

May 10, 2018
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What would you do should tragedy ever strike?
Sometimes life throws us curve balls we could never imagine might come our way. Each and every one of us have gone through some level of hardship, whether it’s the loss of a job, the loss of a family member, the death of a dream, or sudden health challenges. How do we handle the overwhelm, the sorrow, and the confusion of adversity? In the video, “Tragedy into Triumph | When God Says “No” by Inky Johnson, Inky shares his harrowing story and powerful testimony of the transformative power of faith, resilience, and hope that blossomed from a life altering injury. 

On September 9th, 2006, during a pro-football game, Inky went to make a tackle that was easy, common, and a piece of cake for him. When he confidently hit the other team's player, his whole body went limp and he was suddenly unable to move. Though his teammates were encouraging him to get up, thinking that he was fine, Inky was far from it. Upon later examination at the hospital, Inky would discover his life threatening injury – a ruptured subclavian artery – that caused severe internal bleeding and required immediate surgery. Though the bleeding was successfully stopped, Inky awoke the next morning paralyzed in his right arm due to the injury. 

Facing a shattered dream and a long road to recovery, Inky found himself clinging to God rather than running from Him.  Amidst the physical and emotional challenges Inky endured, his unwavering faith in Christ was able to carry him through the wilderness of his season.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. - Psalm 23: 4 NKJV

He found strength and purpose in his relationship with Jesus, discovering a deeper meaning to his life beyond football. Inky's story is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is always reason to hope. His story shows us that there is always a greater plan at work than what our earthly eyes can see. 

‍Inky's journey isn’t just about overcoming adversity; it's about embracing God’s better path and finding purpose in unexpected ways. He discovered a passion for sharing his faith and inspiring others to overcome their challenges. His own father even accepted Jesus after the harrowing injury.  Inky's story remains a beacon of hope, reminding us that even when life takes unexpected turns, we can find strength and purpose in our faith.

Hear more incredible stories about the God who saves, heals, and delivers! Read Armin Assadi’s incredible testimony: It’s Never Too Late: A Real Story of God’s Redemption

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28 NIV 

Each week on the Ask About My Faith Podcast, we post interviews with incredible people from all walks of life who are growing in their faith with Jesus. Fuel your faith today and subscribe to our podcast


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