We tend to judge ourselves based on our good intentions, but judge others on their actions. However, we should try to...
We tend to judge ourselves based on our good intentions, but judge others on their actions. However, we should try to...
We’ve all had prayers -- hopes, wants -- that have not “come true.” I mean, we know God isn’t a shooting star or a magic wand, but it still makes us wonder...
I don’t know about you, but my life isn’t perfect. Am I the only one? You may have a relationship with God, but being a Christian doesn’t mean life is going to be perfect.
How do you determine the value of something? An object’s value is determined by the price someone is willing to pay for the item. Do you remember...
Have you ever messed up? Like...really blew it? I have great news for you: No matter what you’ve done, who you’ve disappointed or hurt - Jesus is eager to forgive you.
God is love, and love does what's best for the other person. How can we love people with their best possible outcome in mind?
We're called to be influencers in this world - that means you're a leader! Here are some top Christian leadership podcasts to help you grow as a leader.
Have you wondered where God was in the middle of a painful situation? Where's God when I'm hurting?
There’s one question so many young people are asking themselves. Maybe you’re not young but are still wondering, “What is God's will for my life?”
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