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7 Bible Verses to Pray for Your Child

As parents, we want what's best for our kids. Here are 7 Bible verses to pray for your child as you pray for their future.

Ask About My Faith
5 Min
How to Love Someone You Disagree With

Today's world seems more polarized than ever. With so much division, how can you love someone you disagree with?

Ask About My Faith
6 Min
When You Feel Alone During the Holidays

There are many reasons you may feel alone during the holidays. Here are five tools that can help you cope with sadness at Christmas.

Ask About My Faith
5 Min
Sharing Your Faith Means Planting Seeds

Sharing your faith means planting seeds and trusting God to give the growth. Hear from Matt Roussin on how he plants seeds in his life.

Ask About My Faith
4 Min
The Main Thing That Keeps Us From Jesus

The gospel is the best news in the universe. It is news that lifts the soul higher than we ever dreamed possible.

Ask About My Faith
3 Min
3 Misunderstandings That Keep Us From Radically Following Jesus

There really aren’t degrees to how we follow Jesus. Much as we might think there are, Jesus never made allowances in His call to follow Him.

Ask About My Faith
5 Min
The Benefits of Gratitude

The benefits of gratitude can be far-reaching in our lives. Not only does gratefulness help us, but it blesses those around us as well.

Ask About My Faith
2 Min
God’s Promises for You

The New Year provides an opportunity to look ahead. What do you want the coming year to bring? Many people set New Year’s resolutions but those tend to quickly fade away. However, God’s promises for you are steadfast truths that will not fail.

Ask About My Faith
8 Min

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